Friday, May 20, 2011

Where has the time gone?

It's late May. Could someone please stop the clock. Would it be ok to pause the world while I catch up. I get up in the morning about 7:30, go to bed about 11:30 and only done half of what I wanted to do. Am I the only one with this problem?

Monday, March 7, 2011


I submitted an entry for the BBC laughingstock competition.  I've now finished another sitcom ready to send in. I might wait until they have finished judging before I send this one in; just incase it gets lost in the pile. They had 1808 entries.  The new one isn't for a competition, it's just another one I've written.  I have two film scripts started both up to page thirtyish, a couple of short stories, a few ideas for more and just started a longer short story.  I think I'll put it on here and see where it goes, (in terms of storyline line that is.) or should I start with a short story first?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Have I got time to write this

I'd like to sit right down and write myself a letter. But I know I won't reply. But I have time to read it. So I might.